The Phoenix Group International, LLC (TPGI) and TPGI Ventures provide public and private companies, institutional investors and sovereign governments with capital market expertise, strategic consulting and transaction support. The TPGI Corporate Finance Team supports business owners, institutional investors and senior management in making and implementing key financial decisions and transactions including Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring & Recapitalization, Divestitures and Strategic Alliances & Partnerships. Established in 1996 in San Francisco to respond to opportunities in the technology industry, today TPGI conducts business around the United States and internationally. Our industry focus areas include blockchain technology, legal cannabis, hemp and CBD, climate resilience, blue finance projects,ag-tech, ag-biotech, ed-tech, workforce development and other emerging technologies relating to our areas of focus.
Mergers & Acquistions
Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures and Leveraged or Management Buyouts, are all significant milestones in the life cycle of any company, and for its owners, or prospective owners. The financial, organizational, managerial and structural challenges which they pose are different from the usual operating challenges, and the solutions, often complex.

Positioning a company for growth and market leadership or addressing changing market conditions can be challenges even for the most seasoned business leaders with well developed plans. From jont ventures and partnerships to corporate restructurings, a strategic approach that addresses the short-term needs while looking at long-term implications is critical.

In the highly competitive market for capital, a company must have a workable capital structure and an appealing, believable story. It must know where to look for funds, understand what funding sources want and have the negotiating skills to complete the financing on reasonable terms.