Blue Finance

Sustainability for The World's 7th Largest Economy

Although viewed by some as strictly “impact investing,” “socially responsible investing” or primarily the domain of non-profit sustainability and conservation efforts, Blue Finance, Blue Capital or the Blue Economy all have a tremendous importance for the private sector as well as for the planet’s future.

Today the seas represent the equivalent of the world’s seventh largest economy in GDP with coastal and marine environments yielding goods and services of over $2.5 trillion per year. Extraction of marine resources is valued at $6.9 trillion. Despite the critical role of the oceans in our world’s economy, the neglect and abuse of it is just as large. More than 140 million tons of plastic fill the world seas with estimates that an additional 8 million tons each year. Globally, the average person now eats over 40lbs of fish per year, a 50% increase in 50 years. As a result of this consumption and fishing practices, 30% of fish stocks that are commercially fished are now over-fished and over 60% are fully fished. While in fisheries where catch limits and market-based permit programs are tightly overseen however, there have been numerous cases of fishery recovery, more than 80% of the world’s fish are caught in places without such programs or enforcement. Studies estimate that `5-30% of the world’s total catch is from illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing leading to at least a $35 billion annual economic loss. Other commercial and natural factors have us now facing the threat of extinction by 2030 of 50-90% of the world’s coral reefs and today over 2,300 marine species are listed as endangered or threatened.

Our areas of interest center on technologies, systems and businesses that can reduce the rate of ocean pollution, improve fishing sustainability practices, energy solutions that reduce ocean and ocean floor risk, advancements in mangrove restoration, coral nurseries and the enforcement of fishing regulations and marine protected areas. In addition to helping busiensses with related innovations or technologies find strategic partners in the private sector, our team is available to work with select companies in exploring and seeking grants from philanthropic organizations and government agencies. We also welcome opportunities to partner with private sector leaders looking to maximize and target their impact investments, with sovereign governments exploring ways to leverage technologies or strategic partnerships to improve enforcement and regulatory activities targeting healthy oceans and fisheries.