Mergers & Acquisitions

Support Structuring & Executing Transcations

Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures and Leveraged or Management Buyouts, are all significant milestones in the life cycle of any company, and for its owners, or prospective owners. The financial, organizational, managerial and structural challenges which they pose are different from the usual operating challenges, and the solutions, often complex.

TPGI’s team participates with clients from the earliest stage of helping to define objectives and the identification and search for potential candidate companies, through the contact and negotiating phase and finally, the closing of a transaction.

Advice is provided to clients across the full spectrum of transaction structures including:

Traditional M&A

TPGI offers comprehensive advice in mergers and acquisitions and other business combinations, including advisement in initiating, structuring, valuing, negotiating, financing, and implementing mergers and acquisitions.

Takeover Defense

TPGI advises our clients on ways to maximize shareholder value and to initiate a shareholder relations program, identify potential “white knights” and devise a proxy contest strategy. When appropriate, we will also provide advice to clients in installing “poison pills,” modifying the corporate charter and by-laws, and we will interface with the company’s legal counsel on related issues involving an actual hostile offer.


TPGI provides our clients with an informed assessment of a proposed leveraged or management buyout, applying an array of techniques and skills to successfully analyze and, when appropriate, consummate the transaction.

Sales and Divestitures

TPGI provides representation to public and private companies regarding the sale of their businesses or divisions, advising clients during all phases of the sale process including advising in the design of selling strategies that provide the most favorable value to our clients and identifying the appropriate buyers to ensure the transaction is successfully completed.